Trump says JD Vance can’t be “weird” because he’s “so straight”

Trump says JD Vance can’t be “weird” because he’s “so straight”

Posted by ajcpullcom

  1. “So straight” might be weird if he is straighter than most. In fact, if he’s straighter than average then he 100% meets the definition of “weird”, cause that is what the word means.

  2. Speaking of 100% straight – where has Melania been? Haven’t seen her near that orange tub of lard in a long time. Is she back to making soft girl on girl porn?

  3. Goofy motherfucker is completely undone by the whole weird thing. Absolutely wild that after everything over the last 9 years, that’s all it took.

  4. “Wanting to be with a woman? How gay is that?
    You win sex against a man. That’s as straight as it gets.”

  5. And these are the people who are continually telling us we’ll be “miserable” if we don’t think just like them.

  6. Such a very specific thing to mention, but with the amount of eye liner that boy was wearing? Doubt it.

  7. It’s just going to fuel more speculation about JD’s sexual orientation. We already know he has a problem with women, he doesn’t seem to like them very much. Maybe he’s joined the Lindsay Graham club.

    But JD is still *weird*.

  8. Now we know why he was ordering donuts with that awkward “good… okay… whatever makes sense”.

    What he really wanted to say was “omg Omg OMG rainbow SPRINKLES! YAAAAASSSSS give me all of them!!! UwU”

  9. I wish these people could just be happy in their sexuality instead of inflicting repressive theocracy on everyone because they hate themselves.

  10. Trump: “I’ll sit next him in the sauna. Wearing nothing more than a towel I want to remind you. Sometimes not even that. I see what he’s packing down there. That is not a problem. Somebody with that much… How do I put it ‘endowment’? I can assure you there’s no way he’s gay.”

    Reporter: “Um, we were asking about if he’s weird and not if he’s gay.”

  11. I love that this is going to be another strike against him. But Trump is 78 years old. In his day, “straight” meant something different. It had nothing to do with sexual preference. There was always a “straight man” in a comedy duo. It meant a guy who wasn’t a goofball.

    It’s like “hook up” used to just mean meet up, it had nothing to do with sex.

    If anything, it’s speaks to how old and out of touch he is with the modern world.

  12. No. Vance has been pictured wearing a dress. He no longer qualifies as being so straight.

  13. Would a non straight guy wear eyeliner, fuck couches, and carry around a hydration flask filled with his own semen if he wasn’t completely straight???

  14. I genuinely don’t believe he was using “straight” in the sexual orientation meaning. I think he meant it more in the reefer madness sense. Straight edge. Keep in mind that Trump is old as fuck and still uses words like he was living in the 1960s.

    Trump was saying, that Vance is too boring to be weird. Still not a good look.

  15. You think this Vance guy has any idea how big the bus is that trump will run him over with after this is all done?

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