Veterans Group Slams Trump Over His ‘Greatest Insult To All’ With Arlington Visit

Veterans Group Slams Trump Over His ‘Greatest Insult To All’ With Arlington Visit

Posted by Cute-Perception2335

  1. Cadet Bonespurs will stay in the news for his massive disrespect of our Fallen Heroes. No self-respecting vet should vote for the scumbag.

  2. I would prefer that instead of slamming him, they don’t vote for him because you know they will.

  3. greatest insult to all is the multiple rapes of a 12 year old. let’s get our priorities straight

  4. The media is going to keep breathing this dead horse, isn’t it? Because Trump hasn’t done anything else “newsworthy” since, and the media is all about those trump clicks

  5. Don’t get me wrong, what Trump did at Arlington dishonored all of America’s fallen soldiers. But if any veteran supported him still after all of the other groups Trump has disrespected over the years (including POWs), they aren’t beating the allegations that Republicans only care when something affects them personally.

  6. Still cracks me up that the day it happened the conservative​subs were gloating today he was”honoring the troops” and “where was Biden and Kamala?”

  7. The vets should check the facts
    ThrvfsckHe was invited by the famines of the people whose kids got killed by Harris and Biden’s stupidity !!
    Read their posts on Facebook. Harris snd Biden not invited.
    Who is this anonymous veterans group!
    More demo-crap 💩💩💩💩

  8. Veterans all over the country, should show solidarity, when it comes to outrage over Trump’s blatantly disrespectful act at Arlington cemetery.
    He can’t be allowed to just sweep this one under the rug, like so many others he’s gotten away with…

  9. This evil piece of shit still, somehow, has conned these Bible clutchers. I don’t get it. Get this weird orange felon turd off the stage.

  10. Sad that Trump is this much of an absolute shitbag but still better than any other presidential candidate. We suck as voters

  11. Calling Veterans Losers and Suckers and denigrating McCain’s service and captivity were pretty insulting as well. In fact most of what Trump does is insulting.

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