Mark Hamill Roasts Darth TaxEvader

Mark Hamill Roasts Darth TaxEvader

Posted by T_Shurt

  1. So fucking weird, unless they’re going for homo-erotic, in which case it’s still so fucking weird.

  2. Both photos are edited…..

    Trump looks bad enough as it is, no need to use photoshopped images Mark….

  3. Why did they edit the 2nd pic to have his pants that low? Last time I saw him his pants were above his eyebrows.

  4. His image really went national in the 1990s as this weird, super pretentious land developer in New York who exuded this sleazeball aura, and had an obsession with gaudy decor. And then someone pushed him into the presidential race, and his alternate reality of tacky gold bullshit and the value of his name got amplified across the country from a bullhorn.

    For better or worse, the reality of modern America is riding on the value of Trump’s name and brand, whatever that brand happens to encapsulate now. We’re all just fighting to NOT be on the next season of the Apprentice.

  5. I love that in 2024 we can’t even trust a photo of where Trump’s fucking pants are on his body.

  6. Have you guys seen the pictures of Jesus his cult put trumps face on? It’s sickening. It’s like they never actually read their precious Bible. Only the parts that they can bend to fit their narratives. Jesus would be ashamed of these people

  7. Isn’t this their argument against trans people? You can pretend to be whatever you want, but don’t force me to play along.

  8. Is that pants photo real or photoshopped? I’ve never seen anyone wear pants that go above their short sleeves before.

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