Here’s another thing that Donald Trump can’t do.

Here’s another thing that Donald Trump can’t do.

Posted by traverlaw

  1. Not use AI for a photo of diverse people around him. It’s nice to see pictures where the people have real hands.

  2. Naw, Trump will just visit their graves and give a stupid thumbs up with a shit-eating grin

  3. She’s supposed to call them suckers, wait for them to die, and then thumbs up the tombstone. MAGA

  4. (Probably, cant see her hands) not grab ‘em by the pussies?

    Get photographed with a bunch of suckers and losers?

    Or is there a disabled journalist out of frame that he can’t taunt right now?

  5. Of course he can. The difference is that Donald uses AI to do it and has seven fingers on each hand.

  6. She has good teeth. I should go to the dentist. *cat sipping coffee*

    She’s a good role model just by smiling. And that fact that she can actually smile from the heart.

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