President Biden disrespects fallen soldiers by not smiling or giving a thumbs up

President Biden disrespects fallen soldiers by not smiling or giving a thumbs up

Posted by jesus_smoked_weed

  1. They’ll still complain, of course.

    “Bbbuut you know that he shouldn’t salute if he’s not wearing a hat. I’ve never been in the military, I was going to but I didn’t and I know that they don’t do this. It’s totally disgraceful and disrespectful to our *heroes*

  2. POTUS gets photographed while paying respects so all can see the Commander in Chief doing what they should and have always done during an official capacity — respect those who sacrificed for our first world way of life.

    A candidate, much less THE J6 one who shits on vets, cannot do these things and just because said candidate is butt hurt about not being allowed to do what any other candidate isn’t allowed to do, doesn’t make it so anyone’s rights to the first amendment are being rejected.

    Even if he was invited, his campaign staff still had to trample on other graves to take the photo or at the very least, disregard all 400,000 to acquiesce to the 1 who did.

    Stop trying to legitimize his disrespect of the (his words, not mine) “suckers and losers” who died trying to protect us from the kinds of leaders he wants to be.

  3. Context of photo: This is Joe and Jill in France paying respects to the men fallen in the battle of the Normandy invasion on D-Day for the 80th anniversary of the event. This is not Arlington.

  4. Note that none of the names on the graves are visible from this angle so that no dead soldier’s name could ever be associated with a president of one party.

  5. And it wasn’t his campaign taking the photo!

    Also, this is in France, where some US soldiers were buried after the war.

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