Trump on Fox: “Who ever heard you get indicted for interfering with a presidential election where you have every right to do it”

Trump on Fox: “Who ever heard you get indicted for interfering with a presidential election where you have every right to do it”

Posted by Old-Onion-4273

  1. An election where the candidates have the right to interfere with is not an election at all.

  2. That was an act of Treason. Nobody should be able to run for the US presidency if such an act is committed.

    Our U.S. judicial system is flawed. Where such an act is allowed to be delayed in the courts so the perpetrator is able to run for office again.

    What a joke!

  3. Same shit, different day.

    The man has no internal monologue. He’s brain is gone, he’s just a nervous system in a suit. Just a vomit of consciousness, trying to communicate but failing and getting angry when no one understands “his side”.

  4. There are very rich people in the ‘fly over’ states and corners of places you never think about. One thing they have in common is that they ‘got theirs’ and because god is on their side the world is their playground. This is the appeal.

    Gucci Mane said it best when he said “I don’t ask just take” … this is the mentality for the rich from the streets to the horse stables: from LA to Trump Tower.

  5. I don’t watch Fox but I’d love to know the response to that admission of guilt and the look on the other person’s face

  6. Have his financiers funnel his money to someone’s account and then tell him,”whoever heard of getting arrested for syphoning money off a conman, where you have every right to do it?”

  7. Who the fuck is he and every Trump supporter to tell me my vote can’t count. We put up with four years of their bullshit, longer than that if you count every republican administration. Every time we accepted the count and the courts, without threatening violence or bitching that the election was fraudulent. ONE TIME! One time is all it took for him and every one of his gremlins to lose their collective fucking minds. And now they’re gonna sit here and tell me they’re gonna make my vote invalid just because they feel like it? That’s the shit Maduro is doing and I’ll be damned if I’m gonna let some dumbass and his army of dumbasses try and steal my right as an American.

    I’m voting for Harris and if yet again I have to accept that Trump has the electoral votes, then it is what it is. I will fear for this country, but I will accept that half of the country wants to live under a steel boot.

    But if Harris very clearly, undeniably, wins and their plan is to just reject reality because they don’t like the outcome, I’ll be damned if I’m gonna let an army of fake Americans tell me what to do.

  8. “I did it.”

    His cult: He is innocent!

    Us: he admitted it.

    Cult: … 🤯 … fake deep state bullshit!

  9. Who else on the face of planet gets so many… GET OUT OF JAIL, FREE “this card may be kept until needed or Sold” America seriously 😳 THIS MONOPOLY NEEDS TO GO … oh 😞 did I just use my inside voice outside

  10. Really settling into that “throw spaghetti at the wall” tactic, huh?

    Wild that almost every single thing he or his campaign says is a lie. Not an exaggeration – they are unable to make a factual statement. And people eat it up.

    Really just gonna re-live the Nazi-esque rise to power tactics.

  11. This seems like one of the fifty thousand crimes this bum has committed that somebody in a position of power really ought to do something about.

  12. Psychologist Dr. David A. Lustig said, “We’re now at that remarkable point where Trump’s sociopathic narcissism is working synergistically with his advancing dementia, leaving us with an incredibly nasty, malevolent, and Machiavellian bowl of oatmeal.” 🤣🤣🤣

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