Trump claims he’s a genius speaker — but experts slam his ‘nonsensical word salad’

Trump claims he’s a genius speaker — but experts slam his ‘nonsensical word salad’

Posted by Advanced_Drink_8536

  1. Cheeto King — “They’re just… just… you know, whazzit called..? Jizzless! They’re jizzless of me… I — what? Jealous! They’re all jealush of me… green Hannibuilt Lections, whstever… cvfefe!””

  2. You don’t need to be an expert on anything to know his speeches are just disjointed gobbledygook!

  3. Trump’s whole life has been full of bullshit claims. He is not talented at anything other than grifting.

  4. Salads typically have a theme, or at least ingredients that go together. What he has is more like a word compost pile.

  5. Trump gives hope to idiots everywhere that they may one day be able to overturn elections if they just try a little harder than he did.

  6. He speaks in catch phases, mumbles, and mispronunciations. He’s an idiot born into his daddy’s wealth, and he is the king of bankruptcy, spend spend spend, and somehow seems to always pay zero consequences afterwards.

  7. DonOld is weird. Boring and weird. Did I mention that he’s very, very boring?

    He’s Chaotic Weevil.

  8. I am not sure who needs experts to acknowledge it is verbal diarrhea at best. I do not need a professor of chemistry or biology to recognize when I stepped into dog shit.

    He is losing it for a long time and his egotistical and narcissistic tendencies get him so riled up, he loses his train of thought and hangs on to phrases that have burned themselves into his brain. He also soothes himself when he gets like that with phrase repeating.

  9. But didn’t you hear? The best people, *like* english professors, say he’s a genius and it’s the most beautiful thing they’ve ever seen.

  10. Watching the media cut up his speeches into 5 second sound bites so they can attempt to make him look coherent is one of the main reasons that turd won’t flush. The guy is completely incoherent, incomprehensible, and most likely extremely illiterate.

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