Trump’s social media people really suck at this game

Trump’s social media people really suck at this game

Posted by Atticus_Flinch_Esq

  1. ohhh did they make this? lol because it is forMIDable! it is fantastic! She rides! She rides again!!

  2. Okay guys, am I crazy or does this not look like Harris at all? Like obviously try to ignore the mustache, but I don’t think I it even remotely looks like her

  3. If capitalism means that 8 companies supply 100,000 products in super market with the illusion of competition but colluding with their biggest shareholders (Vanguard, Blackrock, State Street) to keep prices up and wages low, well point me to where the little red book is if it’s the only alternative.

  4. Think about it for a second. These Trump supporters who indiscriminately label Kamala Harris a “communist,” also claim, at the same time, that she has no policies.

    So the rhetorical question here is, how can you claim both of these things with such confidence, that she is a communist with no policies, when that would require her to have communist policies?

    Not only that, but in the same breath, they’ll complain that she has no real policies, then seconds later accuse her of “destroying our country” with the policies she’s imposed as Vice President…

    AND, this is all while they’ve accused her of being a “DEI hire,” unqualified and virtually useless but for her race/gender/skin color.

    So again, is she responsible for all of our problems, or is she merely a diversity pick? An inept tool with no power outside of her identity? While it should go without saying, Vice Presidents, with an exception or two, don’t have nearly as much governing power and practical impact as these people make it out to be.

  5. They made her hotter. They just can’t help the sexualization, but damn weird to do that with someone you want to defeat.

  6. The Trump team hasn’t recovered from the Law And Order parody ad. They lost the too old narrative they lost the Biden crime family narrative . They’re throwing shit against the wall now to see what sticks.

  7. “I didn’t know she was Italian until a number of years ago, when she happened to turn Italian, and now she wants to be known as Italian. So I don’t know, is she Indian or is she Italian?”

  8. Isn’t Trump Trumps social media people? I just get impression he has a whole team of people who are constantly trying to hold him back, like a toddler.

  9. They always have. Low IQ, I would guess, and perhaps too much consumption of the orange kool-aid. Plus, it’s a cult.

  10. The one they did that makes her look like she’s on a metal album is my FAVORITE!  I was already voting for her but it wants to make me vote for her even more!

  11. The goal: To use AI to make Kamala Harris look like Joseph Stalin.

    The result: Eva Longoria as Mario.

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