Trump repels women—and he just keeps making it worse

Trump repels women—and he just keeps making it worse

Posted by FreedomsPower

  1. A smelly old orange ghoul with a full diaper, running around bragging about taking away womens reproductive rights will do that.

  2. “Trump is struggling to win a key demographic, but he can’t escape his own misogynistic impulses, nor the sexism at the root of his base. And the more momentum Harris builds, the uglier those attacks will be”

    Imagine looking for a potential president who is going to represent us on the global level while coming face to face with female leaders from other countries and thinking someone who shames, mocks, and belittles women is the right person for the job.

  3. Trump needs to build a coalition of general election voters beyond his base.

    He seems unwilling to do so.

    I am starting to genuinely believe his ‘poll’ numbers, showing him neck and neck, are ephemeral and will not ultimately translate into votes.

  4. What woman would want to be anywhere near Trump? He despises women, thinks rape is his right, and sexualizes his own daughter. He’s a pedo and rapist- who would allow their daughter around this creep? 🤮🤮🤮

  5. Being divorced twice and having a third wife who obviously can’t stand to be with him tells you all you need to know about how he repels women. He is a LOSER.

  6. Trump repels real men as well…. He is a disgusting piece of trash 💩💩🍔🍔🍔🪱🪱🪱

  7. Trump really is a disgusting, lying, gross person. There are many reasons his wife and youngest son keep their distance. He’s always commenting lecherously about women’s looks, as well as his own “good looks.” Sickening!

  8. A gross pig of a person.
    The world will be a better place when he’s no longer metabolizing.

  9. The election is of no consequence. He busy raisng his own private army. When Obama got elected all the republicans were saying buy bullets. If he doesn’t win, the next Jan 6 they better have the green beret guarding the capital.

  10. You’re telling me the guy who said he could sexual assault women whenever he wanted is somehow not attracting women?

    Color me shocked.

  11. Really? There seems to be a large percentage of women that like what he”s selling. Most have been supporters since 2016 … ya know, the pussy grabbing days. I mean, what else could he possibly do to lose those die hards — call someone horse face – he went on to win. It’s so fucked up.

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