Trump’s disappearing cult …

Trump’s disappearing cult …

Posted by Bursickle

  1. This is his idea of a dick measuring contest, so it must really pain him to be sporting a shriveled up old af toddler dick.

  2. Normally I couldn’t care less but since it is so important to Trump I love this. I love the massive Harris rallies. May it eat at his soul endlessly.

  3. Don’t get complacent. Many of his crowds are just as big as Harris’, as they were in Arizona. Vote vote vote and check your voting status!!

  4. Could you imagine have skyscrapers all over the world just to pander to Iowa and South Dakota all week long knowing you’ve lost


    You’re also just being encouraged by billionaire friends who coddle your ego so they can improve their tax positions long after your dead.

    DJT is the biggest loser in history. He was even the US president at one point. Given everything, squandered it all.

  5. Another couple of years and Trumps dementia addled brain won’t be able to tell his crowd size anymore and he’ll just be confused why he’s there.

  6. Please make sure you are still registered, and make sure you vote! He doesn’t just need to lose. He needs to lose in an embarrassing fashion

    [register or check your status here](

  7. At this point fatigue has to be setting in. It’s been almost a decade of the same thing. Trump brags about himself. Trump rambles on about toilets and electric vehicle batteries. Trump asks for money.

  8. He’s been showing up to sparsely populated sundown towns. Don’t get complacent thinking he doesn’t still have a ton of support.

  9. Everybody says half of America is MAGA but that’s not remotely true. Half of America are Republican and only 14% from that pool are MAGA. It’s always the losers shouting the loudest because they have to be heard or risk irrelevance. The disappearing cult was always bound to happen.

  10. I don’t care about anything but him losing big. Really biggest like the largest big. Vote and get 2 friends to vote.

  11. Don’t kid yourself, there are plenty of MAGAts out there who know this loser is an incompetent nut job but will still vote for him.

  12. What makes me sad but unsurprised to see in every picture of his crowds is the young white men. The most privileged group literally in all of human history, feeling aggrieved enough to support a wannabe fascist.

    Why? Because they’re afraid of becoming minorities. And they know how they treat minorities.

  13. Like people have said all along, crowd sizes don’t mean anything, he’s still doing OK in polls. People need to vote.

  14. They aren’t disappearing, they’re going back into hiding.

    ~~Project 2025~~ *Project 2029*

  15. I’m sure you have, but have you all seen the recent videos of him walking away waving to a crowd only to have the camera pan over to the direction of said crowd and there is no one there? He left an office building in what looked like New York, and another time he was leaving on a plane. Sadly, I live within 1 block of four of his yard signs (one still says Trump/Pence 2020, but the sentiment is still there), the die-hards are a most curious group.

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