He’s just a freaking jerk.

He’s just a freaking jerk.

Posted by Henry_Merrit

  1. You can tell this isn’t a real picture because there’s no way he would put up all those flags by himself. Or could put them up for that matter.

  2. I never thought I’d live to see the day that so many veterans and active service members told the Republican Party to fuck off. I’m sure it isn’t a majority, but it’s a very vocal minority

  3. Seems perfectly on brand from the guy that mere hours after the World Trade Center collapsed bragged about his building now being the tallest in Manhattan on broadcast radio in NYC.

    Of course, he was also wrong.

  4. Yeah, but my uncle knows someone that was in the military who said what Trump did in Arlington was the most patriotic thing imaginable. So now I don’t know what to believe….. /s

    Register or check your registration to vote, and make a plan to vote (absentee ballots are super easy and convenient if available in your area!)

    We need to vote him and his enablers out of office so convincingly that it will end maga for good


  5. “Arlington” is now the latest short-hand tag line for his unfit character, and joins Charlottesville, Helsinki, January 6, children in cages, paper towels, Goya, Sharpies, crowd sizes, suckers and losers, love letters to Kim, self-funding the campaign, ….

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