Wait, Did Trump Just Admit He Lost The 2020 Election? Maga Supporters In Shock

Wait, Did Trump Just Admit He Lost The 2020 Election? Maga Supporters In Shock

Wait, Did Trump Just Admit He Lost the 2020 Election? Maga supporters in shock

Posted by HonestlySeymour

  1. Election denial is now in the medical books as a new disease with symptoms that include loss of reason, lose of rational thinking and believing in hallucinations of 2000 mules voting. There is no cure other than to turn off right wing media propaganda machine outlets. That’s the only way to reverse this affliction.

  2. Well, Trump *did* eventually come around to admitting that Obama was born in this country.

    That tiny, burnt-out, mishapen bit of him that knows the truth is able to bubble up once a decade.

    Edit: grammer

  3. They will translate whatever he says into something that supports their view of him. I’ve seen it a million times.

    He will say something that’s negative and/or outrageous, and his fans will say “what he really meant was…” At what point do we start looking for his words to mean what they say?

  4. It’s just crazy how nothing impacts right wing voter enthusiasm for Trump. 

    Everyone’s saying “Trump must want to lose” because he’s running the worst campaign in the history of the US. The truth is it’s just he knows he can be lazy and they’ll still vote for him. 

    Kamala has made huge gains but it’s been in activating otherwise non-voting people. Trump’s support hasn’t dipped at all. 

    it’s crazy 



  5. Can op stop linking to this obscure website that’s either written by someone who struggles with English or is written by mumblegpt.

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