[OC] World’s Top Exporters: What Are African Countries Leading In?

[OC] World’s Top Exporters: What Are African Countries Leading In?

Posted by RobinWheeliams

  1. A quick google search proves some of these mining related ones are incorrect? Compared to other countrys in Asia which produce far more of some of these minerals

  2. Funny how little income matters when you have corruption, Rwanda barely makes anything and is still one of if not the best country on this list

  3. Would be a lot more helpful to spell out the names of the countries. I’m pretty good at geography, and some of these were hard to figure out. Using 3-letter codes for countries many of never even heard of is pretty unproductive.

  4. I would like to point out that while ivory coast pulls in $3B in cocoa beans, that number should be at least double for the same volume.

    There has been a push towards properly valuating their goods, but it’s going to be a slow and arduous process. And the corporations at the top are going to heavily propagandize us against the farmers who they’re abusing.

  5. I know all of the countries in Africa but not these obscure 3 letter codes. This is a frustrating graph to attempt to read.

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