Harris Pulls Ahead In Nevada, Arizona and Georgia, Opening New Path to Potential Victory

Harris Pulls Ahead In Nevada, Arizona and Georgia, Opening New Path to Potential Victory

Harris Pulls Ahead In Nevada, Arizona and Georgia, Opening New Path to Potential Victory

Posted by inewser

  1. Can’t wait to vote blue 🗳️ 🌊🌊🌊🐋🦈⚡️🔋

    Make sure to post once you flush 💩🛋️🧠🪱at the ballot box

  2. It’s still September. I won’t be relieved till I cast my vote and they confirm President-Elect Kamala Harris.

  3. The effort to suppress the vote on Georgia is immense, but the lawyers are on it! Numerous lawyers!

  4. North Carolina, another key state, is now considered a “toss-up” by the Cook Political Report, adding to the shifting landscape.

    Now wouldn’t that just be the icing on the cake?

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