Are you seriously this stupid? Fox News confession

Are you seriously this stupid? Fox News confession

Posted by eaglemaxie

  1. It appears Trump is going to try and claim presidential immunity because of some nonsense excuse. Why else would he say he had the right to rig the election?

  2. This is bullshit. It’s not Trump’s election, it’s the American people’s. It’s time to stop fucking around with this clown. He needs to be warned that if he tries to pull any more shit with elections, he will be charged with treason and put to death.

  3. This is why he never should have been president to begin with. He’s had a lifetime of thinking “I’m in charge; it belongs to me” regarding his dodgy companies. He’s too arrogant and stupid that thinking the same in a country is a tyrant, not an elected leader. He clearly never wondered why it’s called *serving* as president.

  4. How is this stupid? Is he going to suddenly be held accountable for literally anything? Lol ok. He can say whatever, do whatever, rape whomever, steal whatever and it doesn’t fucking matter, because the US “justice system” is a fucking joke. 


  5. While I think it’s “stupid” to admit to interfering in a POTUS election for 99.9999% of us, I don’t think it’s “stupid” for the one whose skin changes from orange to white (& back) faster than an old “Hypercolor shirt” when it gets wet (it’s the shirt that changed colors when it got wet)!!!

    Why would it be stupid of him to admit to THIS Federal crime when he’s received ZERO penalties for ALL his other crimes & just socially abhorrent behavior ranging from federal crimes, civil crimes, rapes, mocking the disabled, mocking the deceased, ridiculing soldiers who’ve been MIA/POW, insulting Gold Star families, lies, lies, more lies, & I could go on legitimately FOREVER…

    Yes, I know he may “pay some fines”, but we ALL KNOW he’ll just grift his supporters into paying them for him

  6. He can’t help himself, and presidential immunity does not apply to criminal misconduct.

    Here is Trump admitting that he definitely engaged in the Georgia election interference

    One of his lawyers was also convicted.and testifying against Trump. I hope he sings like a bird.

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