Trump Must’ve Done Something Really Bad, Because Melania Reportedly Wants Her Husband to Lose

Trump Must’ve Done Something Really Bad, Because Melania Reportedly Wants Her Husband to Lose

Posted by nikkisixxi

  1. He obviously has! So many things. He raped a 13 year old girl, he assaulted E Jean Carroll. He spurred an insurrection, he paid a porn star not tel tell the world about his weird dick, he faked building a wall for a bunch of morons to fill his own pockets, he took classified documents home to use in his toilet as paper. That’s just the stuff I can think of off of the top of my head…… he’s a scumbag and should be locked up for the rest of his pathetic little life.

  2. Something really bad? Meaning something that we don’t yet know about? I doubt that she can be married to him this long if she had anything approaching a consequence to be bothered by anything that he’s capable of.

  3. Ivanka is also absent from campaign events, RNC speech and general online activity

    figured that daddy is not helping “her brand”

    for a family of grifters, that’s the worst insult

  4. That’s only because he’s losing bad.

    They have to prepare the rest of their lives once trump loses and dies eventually.

    If he were winning they would all be behind him 107%

  5. I think she’s renegotiated her prenup to pretend like she’s married to him. I think she wanted to leave long ago.

  6. How about he caused World War III and potentially has caused the destruction of her home country

  7. So he can go to prison and she can divorce him before they seize his shit. I don’t know anyone else in the world that has shittier luck than him.

  8. She has zero interest in returning to DC. That would require that she get off her ass and pretend to be First Lady, a role she is completely unsuited for, and, no doubt, hates. She doesn’t spend much time with Trump and is absent from the campaign trail. I suspect the only reason she sticks around at all is the terms of the prenup are all in Trump’s favor. She’d rather just wait it out until he dies.

  9. Americans introduced a new unit of measurement,
    the **Melania unit**.

    It measures how much a person hates Donald Trump

    1 Melania unit is equivalent to the hatred towards a husband that cheated on her while just giving birth.

  10. Put this another way: Melania knows him better than most around him. She gets it. The things he has done. Who he is. Etc.

    Then again: _I really don’t care, do you?_

  11. I’m shocked! SHOCKED! Well, not shocked at all.

    She wanted him to lose the first time, too. They were supposedly on their way to a divorce and she couldn’t do it if he became president. She wants out now, still, I assume that’s part of it.

  12. As much as I try not to embrace the Dark Side, Donnie sends me there every time. Consider the seven deadly sins: Pride, envy, wrath, sloth, avarice, greed, and lust. Donnie embodies every one. Consider the admonition: “Love thy neighbor as thyself”. Donnie loves only himself. Remind yourself: “Treat everyone as you would wish to be treated”. Donnie thinks no one deserves to be treated as he is. Little things like breaking your oath to support and defend the Constitution pale: Donnie has broken every oath he has ever sworn. Every one. He is ignorant and lazy and glories in it. He is bigoted and deceitful and thinks those are his good points.

    I don’t want Donnie executed. Yes, he merits it hundreds of ways. I want him to truly suffer. I want him to serve a million consecutive life sentences. If there is developed a treatment that grants immortality, I want it given to Trump so he can serve eternity in prison, and every day he is greeted with insults from those he has harmed, grifted, reviled, and ill-served.

    And most of all, I want him to be laughed at and mocked, because he deserves it. He is an icon of ignobility, a turd of a man, unworthy to be called a citizen of any civilized country, the ultimate pariah.

  13. She has to wait for him to die or go to jail to get her hands ons what’s left of his money. If he loses the election it would speed up the timeline of both of those options.

  14. Isn’t is very like that she just had enough of the madness? Because living in this spotlight is such madness. 

    She had money before. Now she has money and all the bat shit crazy people.

  15. You know what would be the worst punishment for her? If orange shitgibbon outlives her. Breathing his Dutch oven stench for decades with no cash-out for her golden years? Burn. 

  16. Done something really bad could literally be anything with Trump.

    Though she could also want him to lose so the wheels of justice can crush him so she can finally be free.

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