Trump Issues Statement To Gold Star Families Defending Arlington Cemetery As A Simple Mistake, He Blames Harris For Everything.

Trump Issues Statement To Gold Star Families Defending Arlington Cemetery As A Simple Mistake, He Blames Harris For Everything.

Trump issues statement to Gold Star families defending Arlington Cemetery as a simple mistake, he blames Harris for everything.

Posted by HonestlySeymour

  1. I haven’t been following this news at all, but what did Trump do at Arlington Cemetery that made all these headlines? This article quotes Harris as stating he “disrespected sacred ground,” but doesn’t actually say what went on.

    Trump disrespects the very air he breathes with every movement of his diaphragm, but it usually doesn’t stay on the news for a week

  2. First it was the gold families fault and now it’s Harris’ fault? Who’s next on the blame list, Santa Claus?

  3. It’s true. Kamala farted and immediately the dumb thought popped into Trump’s head to act exactly like himself and do something incredibly daft and stupid. Darn Kamala.

  4. Trump would blame a shart he took at a rally on Harris if he could. No respect or responsibility at all. I bet he has never apologized a day in his awful life.

  5. So why isn’t he REALLY blaming the family that asked him …oh wait he did. It was their request not mine!!!

  6. Where was he on the 1st anniversary? The 2nd? Oh, that’s right, those weren’t election years! 🤣

  7. If you blame someone else for something you did it’s not an apology what a dimwit! He’s catching up with JD Vance that’s for sure I’m kind of enjoying watching the idiot bowl.

  8. I feel sorry for those gold star families. First he tries to blame them, now he is exploiting them for his campaign.

  9. I’m still waiting for the day when Trump will finally pay the price for his millions of violations and crimes

  10. So the family he used for the Arlington stunt, who are now claiming responsibility for said stunt, is the same family that spoke at the RNC in July?

    Dear FBI,
    Please investigate their finances ASAP.

  11. According to Trump, Kamala traveled back in time and forced him to go to a doctor and get a fake diagnosis of bone spurs to get out of going to Vietnam.


  12. He is a disgusting pig. He was POTUS for 4 years and he doesn’t how to act at Arlington? Fucker is too stupid and old to be POTUS.


  13. They were celebrating their loved ones deaths? What a weird way of phrasing. They sound like they got a big insurance payout or they hated the dead service members. No wonder they’re tone-deaf on the optics.

  14. They keep saying photo and video taking is illegal at arlington, and we have all these photos proving it happened, so there is no doubt a crime has been committed.

    Why isn’t he arrested yet? Is this yet another one of those above the law things he does? who is going to care about that arlington law now that he can get away without legal repercussions.

  15. Once again, TOTAL PROPAGANDA AND LIES. Harris is the one condemning Trump when the fact is that the Gold Star families invited him. They also invited Biden and Kamala, but neither even responded back. Most of the families made videos condemning Kamala for her lies about Trump.

  16. He should have been there apologizing for the deaths of those people…. This is the equivalent of OJ posing at Nicole’s grave with a thumbs up

    There was no official” event” that Biden didn’t participate in

    Photos are not allowed in that section of the property

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