Controversy erupts as Polish foreign minister proposes missile interception over Ukraine

Controversy erupts as Polish foreign minister proposes missile interception over Ukraine

Controversy erupts as Polish foreign minister proposes missile interception over Ukraine

Posted by AravRAndG

  1. >Polish Foreign Minister Radosław Sikorski stirred controversy by suggesting that Poland and other countries bordering Ukraine should intercept Russian missiles in Ukrainian airspace before they reach NATO territory, according to Financial Times.

    I can understand intercepting a missile that’s entered Poland. If Poland wants to do it, they’ll have to do it on their own without NATO.


    from 1 month ago

    >“If there would be such a decision, it can only be an allied decision. It will never be an individual decision,” Mr Kosiniak-Kamysz told Poland’s TVN broadcaster at a Nato summit in Washington DC.

    >”The key opinion is the United States, who is quite sceptical in this matter, so Poland will certainly not make such a decision on its own,” he added.

    I personally don’t care, as long as they waive there right of calling article 5 at a minimum for when they are inevitably targetted and allow a nato vote to kick them out if that is what nato so chooses by actively participating in the war in one such manner.

    I don’t blame them, nor would I blame others for outcasting them from the pact for usurping the core principles that are nato.

  3. If they do this don’t start crying to NATO when Russia starts bombing Poland. If Poland wants to enter the conflict feel free, just know that they are accepting that their own people will now be at risk of dying because of their actions.

  4. I agree.

    He didn’t talk specifics. Interception or a red flag can be for example 1km from the border with tracking obviously being done at much longer ranges.

    A drone just strolling along inside Poland’s airspace is simply shameful

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