I’ve got a $0.25 bet on, “I can’t debate because I have to go to Barron’s back to school night.”

I’ve got a $0.25 bet on, “I can’t debate because I have to go to Barron’s back to school night.”

Posted by 8-bit-Felix

  1. Well I’m not a sexual predator and convicted felon(34) but if I was I would be so stressed!

  2. He can’t go as it would mess with his workouts, making him miss leg day and The Colonel can atest he never skips leg day…

  3. I’m being audited.

    The sun was in my eye.

    I never agreed to that day.

    Bone spurs are hurting too much.

    My suit is at the cleaners

  4. Same tired memes as before the last debate. Truth is it doesn’t matter how trump does at the debate. No one is changing their mind on trump. That’s not how republicans work. The only thing on the line is if Harris can convince people to turn out. If she bombs less people will turn out. If trump bombs nothing changes.

  5. I think Kamala should spend the entire debate bringing up his liability for rape and see how many times he can get sued.

  6. I think we should try and not set the bar too low for him because that just makes it easier for him to clear the bar. He will probably have a subpar night of rambling insults and that’s what we should expect 

  7. The reason itself won’t matter. It’s the timing and delivery of that reason… Which also won’t matter lol.

  8. He can’t back out. The only way he isn’t labeled a coward is if he gives a health crisis as an excuse, but that just brings the focus on his age and how he is too old.

    He’s going to go to the debate, he will perform roughly the same as he did last time. Which was a disaster only overshadowed by Biden’s abysmal performance. Harris is going to eat him alive. At least I hope she will.

    Side note: anyone else getting sick of the emotional roller-coaster of hope and utter dread? Least crippling despair is gone for now.

  9. “Hur dur I agreed to debate sleepy joe again not Kamala (mispronounced). I won’t do it and I’m up in every single poll just don’t check. A lot of people came up to me and said sir you’re so far ahead you don’t need to debate and I told them that’s a good point. I’m the best debater there ever was so why show up?”

  10. They should still have the debate without him. Even give his side time to respond, and just wait out the timer.

  11. If he backs out now he looks weak. Which would be worse optics than even if he gets absolutely destroyed by Kamala.

  12. I’m putting a fiver on “hysterical pregnancy”. Sure, it’s long odds, but it pays 500 to 1!

  13. He should pull out. Then Kamala can do a 2 hour speech by herself on live tv. She’ll probably even say…this is not the first time a convicted felon has run scared from me

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