There’s a rumor that tRump is wanting to dump JD Vance in favor of RFK

There’s a rumor that tRump is wanting to dump JD Vance in favor of RFK

Posted by CIA_Rectal_Feeder

  1. He should. End Vance’s career. He sold out as a purely maga trump member. Him getting dumped is terminal, and I would hope it would result in lashing out

  2. I hope that Traitor Trump does make the switch and it leads to an even bigger shitshow inside the GOP.

  3. No what I heard was, Trump wants to dump Vance for RFK, but his advisors won’t let him because they think he’ll lose to Kamala that way.

    …. THAT’S how you spread a rumor

  4. JD Vance as a scorned lover, ripping into Donald’s campaign, showing up drunk at campaign events and getting into struggles with security is just what this absolute train wreck is still missing.

  5. To be honest, it’s hard to say which one would be a bigger drag on him, I mean, honestly, does he not think RJK Jr. would be just as big of an embarrassment?

  6. Can you imagine? There’s no chance they get the ballots changed in all states at this point so even if Trump were to win by some chance, the VP EVs would be split and it would go to the Senate. Conceivably Harris could cast a tiebreaking vote for Walz to be Trump’s VP.

  7. Can you even run for president and vice president at same time?? lol…. He’s still on ticket on non competitive states and 2 swing states

  8. I know people who hate Trump but somehow love RFK. This WILL sway voters to Trump. People are too spineless to stand by their criticisms of Trump in favor of RFK. This is a nightmare

  9. Then RFK would be on the ballot as both a president and vice President candidate in some swing states? Not sure how that would that work…

  10. Way too late for that. Some states’ deadlines have already passed. With addition to the fact that RFK can’t get off the ballot in some states, and the fact that tRUMP needs that Thiel money

  11. Serious question: How would that even work after the RNC? Doesn’t replacing either candidate require very specific circumstances?

  12. He can’t. Ballots are already printed in many states. If he did it would be confusing as shit because RFK is on the ballot in some states.

    It’s too risky this late in the game. It’s why they never thought Biden would actually withdraw from the race.

  13. It’s a coup!!! They are instilling RFK without a primary vote for him as VP!!! Then they will remove Trump and instill RFK as President!!!

    (This is a preview of some of the wacky-ass shit that will be posted by insane people shortly…)

  14. Best part is he can’t. JD is the official nominee for VP for the Republican Party. States have started printing ballots. So as much as trump hates it, he has to carry JD to term

  15. I hear rumors trump is too old, so they are looking at trading trump out and giving Pence Vance a chance.

  16. Yeah, trade they guy who’s only vaguely off putting in a way that’s hard to pin down with the guy who cuts up a whale head, bungie cords it to the roof of a car, and puts plastic bags over his kids head when they complain about the blood and other juices seeping into the car through the open window.

    That’s how you get rid of all these allegations of being weird!

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