Desperate Trump To Unleash ‘Extremely Dark’ Attacks and Personal Smears Against Harris in Bid to Stifle Her Progress

Desperate Trump To Unleash ‘Extremely Dark’ Attacks and Personal Smears Against Harris in Bid to Stifle Her Progress

Desperate Trump To Unleash ‘Extremely Dark’ Attacks and Personal Smears Against Harris in Bid to Stifle Her Progress

Posted by newsjam

  1. No one cares about the lies you’ll spew Trump. We are sick of your ugly fucking face hating on Americans every day.

  2. Vonshitsinpants has already shown he’s not a serious candidate, just a dark angry troll with money trying to exorcise his daddy issues and small wang insecurities.

    Is anyone shocked that he’s going to go even darker now? He can’t go policy to policy with her bc he’s a dumbass and his cultists are too stupid to understand anything but racist border tropes. He can’t run a positive campaign bc he’s a megalomaniac scum bag with more skeletons in his closet than most anyone.

    So he goes darker than dark and hopes to inflame people who won’t let it go even when he loses and will keep undermining democracy with conspiracy theories about rigged elections.

    This is what the spineless RNC has given us, America.

  3. Just a Fat bully on the grade school playground. Take my ball and go home type of bully. His trumpanzies at his side for false assurance. They don’t realize November will be his punch on the nose. The trumpanzies will scatter trying to rebrand their actions. Just like they rebranded all of Donnie shinsplints words and actions.

  4. I am so fucking tired of the trump clown show. He is a misogynistic racist clown. He can’t be trusted and I hope he is banished to the dustbin of history fairly soon.

  5. The more Trump do this the more he is making Kamala popular. I said this a week ago and I’m going to say it again….. Kamala is running a great campaign, but Trump is constantly shooting his self in the foot every other day.

  6. The rapist felon who raped children with Epstein plans to drag someone through the mud?

    All they can say about her is she’s brown and a woman. In every way she’s superior to Trump.

  7. I think everyone is used to Trump’s tactics. It’s nothing new. It makes him look desperate and quite frankly makes him look like a maniac
    It will give Harris voters more incentive to get more people to vote because most people do not want a maniac in the White House. We are not going back to the chaos and embarrassment of another Trump presidency

  8. It will backfire. GOP are sick of these insults instead of announcing policy differences.

    Never interrupt your enemy when they are making a mistake

  9. I just don’t get the Dump, at all. He claims Kamala’s rise to the candidacy was a “coup” and illegal, bigly. Yet, he’s coming after her with this bullshit? He’s scared of getting sent to a federal pound him in the ass prison.

  10. This is who they want to run the country? A man who gave this as a serious political speech? If your 78 year old grandparent/parent said some shit like this you wouldn’t let them drive let alone run a country.

    *She destroyed the city of San Francisco, it’s — and I own a big building there — it’s no — I shouldn’t talk about this but that’s OK I don’t give a damn because this is what I’m doing. I should say it’s the finest city in the world — sell and get the hell out of there, right? But I can’t do that. I don’t care, you know? I lost billions of dollars, billions of dollars. You know, somebody said, ‘What do you think you lost?’ I said, ‘Probably two, three billion. That’s OK, I don’t care.’ They say, ‘You think you’d do it again?’ And that’s the least of it. Nobody. They always say, I don’t know if you know. Lincoln was horribly treated. Uh, Jefferson was pretty horribly. Andrew Jackson they say was the worst of all, that he was treated worse than any other president. I said, ‘Do that study again, because I think there’s nobody close to Trump.’ I even got shot! And who the hell knows where that came from, right?*

  11. And all it takes to get under his skin is one word….WEIRD. He cannot even take it… word attack. Priceless….well done BLUE.

  12. Most Americans are tired of this geriatric dementia riddled fool. We must get out and vote. Vote to make sure a career fraudster never sees the White House again. While we are at it, vote out all magats and any questionable republican.

  13. Can’t wait to watch it back fire in the same fashion it’s already been. I think the dam is finally breaking on this lunatic. The cult bubble has been popped.

  14. He thinks that insulting someone else is going to change something? I think is going to get worse for him actually. The undecided will see how of a childish and disgusting he is, the moderate Republicans will see how bad this is for their party. The only ones happy will the MAGA’s but they’re a cult at this point.

  15. Deranged one-trick pony does its one trick.

    One yuge reason the loser is losing again is this complete crippling inability to *ever* change course.

  16. 🎵Fuck you (Fuck you), fuck you very, very much
    ‘Cause we hate what you do
    And we hate your whole crew
    So, please don’t stay in touch🎶

    🎵Fuck you (Fuck you), fuck you very, very much
    ‘Cause your words don’t translate
    And it’s getting quite late
    So, please don’t stay in touch🎶

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