Reporter Bluntly Calls Out Double Standard Harris Is Held To Versus Trump—And People Are Cheering

Reporter Bluntly Calls Out Double Standard Harris Is Held To Versus Trump—And People Are Cheering

Posted by Blue_Wave2024

  1. The corporate media – ALL OF THEM – are actively doing all they can to quell the momentum of the positive platform of Harris/Walz.

    Lawrence O’Donnell of msnbc is the only one not on board with this conservative hit job, and the ONLY one with the balls to go against the conservative ownership.

  2. Well yeah, of course there’s a double standard. Reporting on Trump’s speeches would require 24/7 news analysis, and his followers would still be backing him. It’s actually fine to scrutinize Harris, it’s refreshing to hear someone coherent talk about real policies.

  3. Media owners want tax cuts.

    Media owners want to slash employee and environment regulations.

    Media owners want a horse race campaign.

    Therefore they have to polish the shit out of Turd Trump.

  4. Yes! That’s a really good question.

    It’s certainly valid to ask policy questions, but the standard for the lucid candidate should not be orders of magnitude higher than the standard for the candidate that cannot articulate a single coherent thought.

    Beyond the fact that every aspect of his personality is beneath pond scum, he is almost completely incoherent most of the time. That *is* most assuredly an issue. Why does the media abdicate its responsibility to bring it up?

  5. Trump and his off the wall incoherent gibberish is better news for them than a candidate who is presidential and intelligent and spot on. Harris is ignoring Trump, not stooping to his level. The news would love it if she called him names and played his games. We will see how the debate pans out.

  6. The media is not conservative, and frankly this is worse than any newsmax there is.

    I can’t believe you guys fall for this every day here

  7. While I wholeheartedly agree that the media have a definite double standard going on here, I’m not so convinced that it is always a clear black and white issue of “well of course they are because all media companies want lower taxes, blah, blah, blah.” Are some of them like this? Sure. But I also think of it being many of these media outlets being so fucking used the clown and all his usual ways that they are more less responding to it as “well that’s what he’s always like, so . . .”

  8. The media have replaced their engines adapting to running on moonshine and is rejecting high octane fuel.

  9. And never forget Fox is not a news channel it’s an entertainment channel. So remind everyone that all most everything that comes out of that cespit is lies

  10. There’s almost no point in trying to hold Trump to any sort of standard, because, in the most athletic move of his entire existence, he will just limbo right beneath that bar. While his cult cheers.

    Literally nothing he says matters, because nobody who is willing to vote for him *today* has the integrity or mental capacity to change their mind.

    Journalism is a business, and hour-long exposés on Trump’s continued mental decline gets them nothing. And would have no effect on the election.

    I usually try not to be cynical, in most areas of my life, but (insert your expletives of choice here) the last ten years have made that so hard when it comes to politics, mass media, and my fellow citizens.

  11. People are blaming media companies for this, but they are catering to their demographics. And the thing is, if they don’t cater, someone else will. People who watch clips about Kamala Harris won’t watch meaningless pandering. People who watch Trump won’t watch an intelligent breakdown of what he says. So unless the government makes rules to prevent it, this is what we get.

    It’s pretty well documented that conservativism and IQ are inversely correlated.

  12. I applaud Jeffrey Goldberg for being willing to talk about the Emperor’s New Clothes and all… but does anyone believe that the MAGA crowd is actually listening?

  13. as a non american, it continues to amaze me how rational person / journalist / editor can support that orange buffoon. harris has flaws of cos, but those flaws pale in comparison to the orange one. there should be no contest. and yet americans seem hell bent on screwing themselves and the rest of the world by continuing to support a liar, con man, rapist and convicted felon, and downright weird moron

  14. Every other headline: Kamala Harris is not perfect. Should we elect a rabid raccoon instead?

  15. About fucking time. Too bad he’s but one voice in a sea of incompetence and malfeasance.

  16. Could it be she gave 1 interview in the 40 days since she announced her run and had to have a babysitter with her? She danced around her answers and gave little in regard to policy.

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