Why isn’t the crooked MSM talking about this?

Why isn’t the crooked MSM talking about this?

Posted by lrlr28

  1. Ask yourself the following question. Between Trump and Walz, who would you rather have tell you, “Take a knee.”?

  2. It was pointed out to me that about 15 right wing billionaires own the mass media. This explains a lot about why they ignore trump’s obvious mental decline. They want that tax cut, and fuck the rest of us.

  3. I have it on good authority that Tim Walz one told his wife her Monster bars were “super,” when they were really just pretty good.

  4. Don’t let the media sugar coat this man. I once heard him mutter “gosh dammit” when he couldn’t find his 7/16ths socket.

  5. Up here in Canada we had that orange cockwomble on our tv sets since the 80’s and we all thought what he always showed us.

    A dim witted huckster with WWE theatrics and ketchup on steak tastes. Try to find me a pic of Cheeto Benito reading a novel, visiting an art museum and contemplating a work of art? Or interacting with a pet. Using a computer. On and on we could go.

  6. I like to believe he is absolutely politically ruthless behind closed doors. Like Mayor Wilkins in Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

  7. He once told his niece that he “got her nose” when in fact he’d done no such thing. And people want this monster to be vice president!

  8. They are. Kathleen Parker (the one who wrote multiple “Calm down, Trump won’t [thing he exactly did]” WaPo editorials) just tried to paint Walz as dishonest over the most ancient, weak-ass nonsense imaginable. Comments got locked within 6 hours.

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