Venezuela judge issues arrest warrant for opposition leader after disputed election • Edmundo González, widely believed to have beaten President Nicolás Maduro in the election, faces arrest for alleged crimes carrying long sentences if convicted

Venezuela judge issues arrest warrant for opposition leader after disputed election • Edmundo González, widely believed to have beaten President Nicolás Maduro in the election, faces arrest for alleged crimes carrying long sentences if convicted

Posted by Naurgul

  1. There is zero evidence that this guy defeated Maduro. Venezuelan elections are[almost impossible to rig]( The only reason it’s “widely believed” is because western media have lied about it for weeks. And somehow there’s people who are dumb enough to believe CNN and the US state department.

  2. Speaking as someone from Venezuela, I’m not surprised this was the result after protests started to lose their energy. The federal government refused to release the election results, so the opposition released the results for them, showing what we all expected, that Maduro lost the election and suppressed the results. I’m glad that media and NGOs across the world covered it (, but I fear that unless military leaders start to oppose Maduro, no amount of civil unrest will lead to the security apparatus turning on him.

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