The Jan. 6 ‘Awards Gala’ at Trump’s golf course has been postponed indefinitely

The Jan. 6 ‘Awards Gala’ at Trump’s golf course has been postponed indefinitely

Posted by Son0fSanf0rd

  1. Haha

    # 1 his base are gonna be all disappointed. AGAIN

    # 2 his team must have finally convinced him that doing this event with other convicted criminals could be brought to court as a possible violation of his bail requirements


    edit oops i put a hashtag in front of the numbers so it would read “number one” but i forgot that changes the font on reddit. Too tired to change it tho lol.

  2. Don’t worry ‘Tea Time with the Taliban’ will still be going on the following weekend.

  3. The beered-up Trumpie traitors are very fortunate to live in the USA, as in plenty of other places, they’d have been mowed down on the spot and dumped into hastily-dug trenches.

  4. Maybe they became concerned that the among the attendees would be the NSA, FBI and DHS.

  5. So his two brain cells finally put it together that celebrating an attempted coup he put together that murdered cops and got people killed was a bad idea.

    My god these are the dumbest times


    So now, he is leaving his own supporters out to dry after promising them funds they could use to f**eed their families and perhaps support their appeals…**

    It would have been a nice gesture to help put food on their tables for **Thanksgiving, Don-Old.**

    Some money might have even helped some of you supporters get home to be with their families for **Christmas.**

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