Trainwreck: The State of Our Infrastructure

Trainwreck: The State of Our Infrastructure

Posted by Additional_Jelly7803

  1. There was no intention at all behind Reagan’s peddling of the concept of trickle-down economics to the masses… He and his wealthy, elitist cronies just thought it would be good for everyone if they got to keep all the money they made instead of using some of it for the common good, so that others may also one day have a shot at achieving the American dream.

    Why should they pay taxes to help build and maintain the infrastructure that keeps their businesses afloat anyway?

  2. Don’t forget blaming the current administration for trying to fix things, but instead of just being able to maintain the infrastructure, they need to shut it down and replace parts now due to neglect.

  3. A Libertarian friend once tried to convince me that we didn’t need to pay taxes anymore because billionaires would start businesses to maintain our infrastructure.

    When I pointed out to him that every road would become a toll road, and he would have to pay money every time he turned onto a new street, he argued that’s not how they would collect revenue to fix said road.

    He did not have an answer for how it would actually occur.

    Libertarians are just conservatives with a worse understanding of business and economics, and conservatives are already intellectually disabled when it comes to those topics.

  4. It’s simply because infrastructure hires most Union workers and both countries, since the 80s, have been systematically busting the unions. 

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