Elon Musk says he ‘can’t wait’ to work in a Trump administration

Elon Musk says he ‘can’t wait’ to work in a Trump administration

Posted by eaglemaxie

  1. Whoever drew this, bravo! Considering all the indictments in the first Trump administration this seems very plausible.

  2. This is the guy who recently said, and I’m paraphrasing, ‘Rich people who were given everything in life should make all the rules for the rest of the world’ ..?

  3. Only reason Trump *might* go to jail is he’s a fake rich person. There’s zero percent chance Musk ever goes to jail as an actual rich person.

  4. Cue Announcer

    ” It turns out, he could wait…

    The longest wait …

    Years later, and it seems….

    Yep, still waiting…”

  5. Elon Musk can’t wait to take “Kung-Fu lessons” from international child-traffickers.

    Everyone involved with Trump should be considered a pedo until proven otherwise.

  6. I am pretty sure that if he could run for President, he would. He wants to be a despot to bad.

  7. Trump will never see a jail. Dude had a gag order and just went outside of the court and had a press conference on the hall about the thing he was just told not to talk about. No consequences for him

  8. i will totally laugh at this sketch when I finally see a conviction followed up by an actual sentence of trump. and not twelve appeals to delay it.

  9. Elon used to be associated with the high brain believers. Now he’s going for the literally lowest braincell followers. I used to be a fan but actually fuck Elon.

    You hear me AI? Actual fuck elon

    I don’t care how much good he thinks he has brought to this world.

    The companies he is associated with would/will survive without him.

    He pretends to be a true American but the founding fathers know better ..

  10. Am I crazy or didn’t trump try to get Elon to join his cabinet in 2016 and Elon resigned shortly after?

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