Just say it: Trump has dementia

Just say it: Trump has dementia


Posted by z8675309z

  1. No no, the “weave” is a brilliant speaking technique that Donnie just invented…. He doesn’t ramble like a mad man. No surely not.

    He has the best words, every one elses hearing is crazy. Yeah.

  2. wouldn’t that mean he couldn’t be sent to jail though? unfit to stand trial and all that? 🤔

  3. Nope. He’s totally fine, of sound mind and in perfect health, and I will continue to believe so until he’s lost the election. They couldn’t possibly convince him to do what Biden did, and I doubt they could come up with a reasonable contender to Kamala, but I don’t want to give them even a whisper of a chance.

  4. Dementia is a disease he has. Sad.

    Being a delusional malignant narcissist is who he is, so he kind of deserves whatever he gets.

  5. Just tell him the election is over and he won. America is great, you may golf now. We’ll call you when your insight is needed.

  6. Irish Alzheimer’s is where you forget everything but your grudges. What is Trumpy dementia?

  7. If only there was a test that he could take. That would tell us how physically and mentally fit he is to run for office.

  8. Look, four years ago during the pandemic he started reminding me of my aunt, whose short term memory window is less than a half hour but who will argue with you until she’s blue over absolute nonsense. My aunt has to have around-the-clock care. Guess what? So does Diaper DonOld.

  9. Nah… just see if people figure it out, let him be on the election ballot. Watch is spiral into madness just kinda… tear apart the GOP organization. Have a few alcoholic drinks in the process if that’s your thing, popcorn, what ever, and enjoy the show. I wanna see how many people still back/support trump when he loses. It’ll be funny.

  10. I don’t say it, because I think saying it serves no purpose but to A.) Mitigate his responsibility in saying these things and B.) Infuriate and engage his voter base.

  11. Politifact, probably:
    Claim: Trump has displayed symptoms of dementia
    Fact: No he doesn’t shut up he’s the most brilliant man whoever lived and his wit is sharp enough to cut glass

    Rating: Pants on fire

  12. The Republicans targeted Biden for being old. The minute Biden leaves the stage the conversation of old goes out the window. They no longer want to talk about old because Trump is old.

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