Shame on her!!

Shame on her!!

Posted by Javasndphotoclicks

  1. And don’t get me started on my wedge issue, killed by shark, drowning or boat battery.

  2. Has she even met Frederick Douglass?! I mean trump was in a helicopter crash with the guy and she has never even met him!

  3. But we did get the hardest hitting kindergarten teacher interview from Dana Bash and emotional support candidate Walz?

  4. You are all wrong… we should ask her if she puts Dijon mustard on her food? This is the only real question…

  5. The pickled brains of corrupt politicians should be readily available to juveniles on airlines as an appetizer or snack.

  6. She is almost 60 and she hasn’t even had one felony conviction yet. Not even a single indictment. She is shameless.

  7. or sharks, or windmills and birbs! or maybe nuking a hurricane!!


  8. Trump is being adored by English professors for his weaving, why can’t kamala cover the real issues.

  9. Why isn’t she ranting about a ton of weird shit and giving nicknames to her opponent all the time!?

  10. I heard he was late and great

    What I need to know as an “undecided” voter is what she plans to do about the windmills giving birds cancer

  11. To be fair Trump has never shut up about Hannibal Lecter for the last month and we still don’t know where he stands on the topic either.

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