Sunak: Starmer puts train drivers before pensioners 🗯️ #politics #shorts

Sunak: Starmer puts train drivers before pensioners 🗯️ #politics #shorts

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  1. Someone else's fault, always someone else is to blame. Taking the winter fuel allowance from some of the most vulnerable people in the country, people who don't even receive the equivalent of the living wage, in favour of giving massive pay rises to people already earning more than double the average UK wage, is in my opinion, downright disgusting.

  2. You didn't find a 22 billion black hole, it was made aware to you back in March! Yet another lie!!! He couldn't give an answer cause it wasn't in his script.

  3. Yeh let’s fix the black hole by giving train drivers, who are already on 60k per annum a big pay rise, whilst stitching up pensioners who have put into the pension pot for 50 years! Starmer and Labour are not fit for purpose.

  4. Going after vulnerable pensioners by taking their heating allowance and taxing their pensions is not the way forward. Stop paying the french border guard and stop taking in immigrants. It's that fkn easy.

  5. Our pensioners should freeze so that he can give 11 Billion pounds to African countries just so they can switch on a light!…. Mmmmmmmm …….I'm sure his mother is proud of how he turned out!?

  6. This thug needs morals. He can't answer question ""Why did you choose train drivers over vulnerable people " instead he went on to change subject "This government was elected to clear the mess" 80 didn't vote for Labour and again in 2 months Starmer has made a mess by wrecking our country. Starmer is a traitor, dictator and liar too.

  7. He definately shot himself in the foot with the winter payments debacle, but giving certain industries the rise in wages they have been deprived of since Cameron stated we have to tighten our belts because of 'austerity
    measures' is long over due. Still think the bloke is an idiot though.

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