BREAKING Buy the dip

BREAKING Buy the dip

Posted by the-florist

  1. HA HA! SO all the suckers that bought in at the beginning, are back to where they started. And all the gullibles that bought when it was at $40, have to go apply at Walmart to be a door greeter. Stupidity should hurt.

  2. Calling all idiots and morons. Frump needs more of your money. Give everything you can you dumb fucking idiots.

  3. Not sure what I should hope for:
    – Trump selling big time as soon as he can, thus drowning the price thus alienating his voters thus losing votes
    – Trump not selling and losing it all, along with his cultists

    Are there more options?

  4. I should feel sorry for all the people that have lost and will continue to lose money to this obviously scam.. but I don’t. The clue was in the name to stay away from it.

  5. It’s nice that there are little rays of sunshine like this. Especially as it makes Donnie look like a super businessman. Er, I mean a fool.

  6. Wasn’t there also a limitation on short selling this stock, like literally none of this crash is due to short selling, right?

  7. Lmao this fucking asshole I know is down 595k from the stock so far. He thinks in November “when trump wins” the stock will shoot up to 40 a share hahaha.

  8. Maybe the reason Trump’s “are you better off 4 years ago” argument carries so much weight to his faithful, is that they’ve been fleeced by him over the last four years and they’re broke.

  9. But this… this is how the stock market works. I feel like this is something super fundamental that people don’t understand. If someone gains a shit ton of money, someone loses a shit ton of money. That’s how all of this works… why would anybody trust this bozo? He has a very obvious interest in recovering his own money or someone else’s….

  10. They can’t buy the dip. They blew all their extra cash changing all the F Biden swag to F Harris swag.

  11. Wait for it….

    Wait for it….

    Wait for the *dead cat bounce!*

    Wonder what take Vance has for that….

  12. Is there any mechanism preventing him from borrowing against the stock? It’s the more likely scenario as opposed to selling. Put the stock up as collateral, default on the loan, cut and run. Usual M.O.

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