‘You Have No Choice’: Trump Tells Pennsylvanians They Have To Vote for Him, ‘Even if You Don’t Like Me’

‘You Have No Choice’: Trump Tells Pennsylvanians They Have To Vote for Him, ‘Even if You Don’t Like Me’

‘You Have No Choice’: Trump Tells Pennsylvanians They Have To Vote for Him, ‘Even if You Don’t Like Me’

Posted by _Piss_Tape_Expert_

  1. Russia is going hard in these comments. Probably because they got caught. Keep spreading that disinformation comrades.

  2. He’s _not_ the king of the USA yet so, no, people have a choice and they can vote how they want. Trump can go do one.

  3. This clown thinks he’s the Uber-Chad and all must submit to him. This alone should turn off anything that could fog a mirror, much less vote

  4. Trump: You must vote for me otherwise we’re not gonna have a country anymore…blah blah blah. 🙄

  5. “If megalomaniac has a name, it must be donald trump.” (With apologies to Indiana Jones)

  6. Trump: “Vote for me, because I am in favor of poisoning your drinking water; your wells, the water table where your community gets their water — I am going to raise the cancer levels so high in your communities nobody will want to live there.”

    Yea fracking did that.

  7. So what would happen if say there was a law prohibiting men from “relieving” themselves. Would GOP get angry?.

  8. So Trump tells Pennsylvanians to *vote for him* because of fracking jobs, and thinks there’s over 100,000 fracking jobs in Western Pennsylvania…in reality, there’s maybe 26,000 total fracking jobs in a state that’s split 52% opposed to fracking and 48% for it.

  9. No, Trump has no choice. MAGA doesn’t realize he isn’t running for them, he’s running to save his own ass from prison

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