Emmanuel Macron chose Michel Barnier as prime minister

Emmanuel Macron chose Michel Barnier as prime minister


Posted by Valanide

  1. The Left have attained a slight majority by forming a vast coalition and now it pretends to deny the legitimacy of the Center Right to govern by forming a viable center right coalition. And of course they call for “protests.” Any one who opposes them is by definition a tyrant. The Left only accept the democratic order when it benefits their sense of entitlement to power

  2. Macron is hoping the far-right to vote against a no-confidence vote. It is the only way he can expect his appointee to stay in place.

    The left may not have a majority, but they have a greater popular mandate than anyone else. And still, given their lack of a majority, they have been rather concilliatory. To Macron, even having been defeated, none of this matters. He will do anything to stop the left from reaching power.

    Scratch a liberal, and a fascist bleeds.

  3. >At 73, he is the oldest prime minister of the Fifth Republic at the time of his appointment.

    > His closest challenger, Pierre Bérégovoy, was 66 years old when he took office in 1992 under the presidency of François Mitterand. Gabriel Attal, Michel Barnier’s predecessor, was the youngest PM when he took office at 34 years old.


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