Trump’s Vile New Rant on Arlington Fiasco Shows Dark Side of MAGA Rage

Trump’s Vile New Rant on Arlington Fiasco Shows Dark Side of MAGA Rage

Posted by Advanced_Drink_8536

  1. Ever since Biden dropped out of the race the orange felon has been doing nothing but throwing the same temper tantrum all over again. Kamala Harris is his kryptonite.

  2. Dark Side of MAGA you say? You mean it wasn’t attacking a presidents race and citizenship? You mean it wasn’t the comments calling illegal immigrants rapis and murderers? Making fun of disabled reporters? Or making vile comments about women constantly? Or bragging about having the tallest building on 9/11? MAGA is darkness. It always has been. MAGA has been screaming how much they hate this country since birtherism. MAGA is the shadow that haunts this country.

  3. How is there a dark side to MAGA rage?! That’s like saying there is a dark side to murder. MAGA is so dark, they should be wanting to deport themselves.

  4. “Even though there is literal evidence that I did something wrong, I DID NOTHING WRONG! It’s all George soros and the fake news MEDIA trying to sabotage ME, YOUR FAVORITE PRESIDENT”

  5. I love and hate that the title makes it sound like there is a “light” side to authoritarianism/racism/hate mongering.

  6. He knows he will lose. He thinks his only chance at getting out of his sentencing and his crimes is if he stirs up enough violence.


  8. Now we’re at the anger phase of the Arlington Disgrace. We’re all responsible for this.

    He tried to deflect and reboot the news cycles by flip flopping on abortion, admitting to election interference and then saying he doesn’t believe in our Constitution. Then he tried to blame Kamala Harris. That didn’t work and the Arlington Disgrace kept being reported on. Now it’s our fault.

    He’ll say anything to not have to apologize for the Arlington Disgrace.

  9. It’s been made into a fiasco.  The facts are simple.  

    Trump and his reelection campaign team engaged in a party political campaign event at Arlington ceremony breaking federal law.

    Members of the team then argued and assaulted a member of staff.

    Enforcement agencies and prosecutors have failed in their responsibility to enforce the law.

    All else is besides the point

  10. Didn’t he try to push the blame onto the families not long ago? Also hinting at it being a setup?
    I may have dreamed that up though…I cant keep all his BS straight.

  11. Trump is definitely on another level when it comes to stupidity, but what about holding those who enable him, accountable? F THOSE A’S

  12. There have been an uprising of new and questionable news sources making up stuff about trump, or worsening his already hostile language. I dont know why, because its bad just quoting what he actually says. What are they trying to stir up among the anti maga crowd?

  13. I remember when Hillary ran, the more disgusting side of the republican base, now known as MAGA, used to say women are “too emotional” to run our nation.

    Kamala Harris has been nothing but poised, sophisticated, relaxed, and inspiring in all her four years of being VP, and especially now in her bid for the presidency. Meanwhile, ol’ leather face is full of rage, whiney, needy for America’s attention, and regularly offended by, what can only be referred to as, factual statements. It’s all projection, all the time.

  14. You don’t need to look far to see the dark side of MAGA rage. It is literally everywhere. The formula has been played almost perfectly. Fears have been stoked, enemies created, then comes the rage. And there are 2 types of rage here. Normal rage, which is susceptible to logic and can dissipate over time. And blind rage, which feeds on itself and is almost impossible to reverse. It’s the latter that threatens our democracy.

  15. I just watched a Netflix show about the Nuremberg trials and Hitler.

    They drew so many parallels between Hitler and “what we are seeing in America”.

    This is all part of it. Burning the country to the ground.

  16. That have to have light side to be able to have a dark side and from what I can see there is no light in these people only darkness.

  17. Let’s go ahead and build him a bunker in Mar-A-Lardo and tell him the Eastern Front has collapsed

  18. Call 1-800-Waa-aaaa weirdo.

    This behaviour just goes to show that they did it and are protecting the guilty party.

    These fucktards should just be thrown in jail.

  19. Who goes to a cemetery and gives a thumbs up? Only someone who faked a bone spur diagnosis to keep from going to Vietnam and thinks that those who fought and died in battle are losers and suckers! Vote Blue 2024!

  20. And there’s slightly less than half of the US that would vote for him… I love the US but damn, you have some weird people running around…

  21. The man could shit on stage and a lot of his supporters would say that it shows strength or something

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