‘This court is not concerned’: Judge Chutkan shuts down Trump lawyer’s complaint

‘This court is not concerned’: Judge Chutkan shuts down Trump lawyer’s complaint


Posted by Son0fSanf0rd

  1. Isnt getting all the info on the candidate out there the best thing for the country? If all of sudden there was definite proof of Harris being on the take to putin as an example I would want to know that as well.

  2. This judge is so close to finishing him 😘 Vote Blue is to remove the orange stain on America

  3. Interesting….the Trump Lawyers are saying that there is damaging evidence. While at the same time Trump and his Lawyers are saying He did nothing wrong. Interesting, very interesting.

  4. Aaaaaahahahaaaaaa! Holy fuck is this funny. God I love this woman. More like this please! This is what justice should look like.

  5. Lauro contended that such a brief would potentially put damaging information about Trump “into the public record at a very sensitive time in our nation’s history, which we can’t ignore.”

    Since we are voting for who should lead our country, I think the best course of action would be to have the most informed voters possible. If it’s going to damage donald’s public appearance then he should have thought about that before doing what he did. Actions have consequences.

  6. The lawyers are whining that the election is coming and he should have immunity. They cried that the trial was going too fast! The judge said she didn’t care that there was an election coming up, and this trial has been coming for a year already. He will get a fair trial, which means it is not slanted in his favor or against him. He may have things he needs to do, but he has had a year to clear his schedule for this. Trump has never wanted fair.

  7. November’s going to be brutal for Trump and his sad, sick little cult.

    Let’s put it down for good, patriots.

  8. Trump’s lawyer, John Lauro, objected to Special Prosecutor Jack Smith’s proposal to file briefs on Trump’s potential immunity from criminal prosecution [related to the January 6 insurrection] in 3 weeks because of the potentially damaging information being dislcosed before the election.     

    Federal District Court Judge Chutkan said *”I understand there is an election impending but this court is not concerned about the election schedule.”*     

    When Lauro suggested that having a hearing on immunity before the election would be an *”unseemly to rush to judgment.”* Chutkan replied that *”this case has been pending for more than a year. We’re hardly sprinting towards the finish line.”* 

  9. Anyone else remember when James Comey wasn’t concerned about the elections being only a week away before he decided to “be transparent” with the US?

  10. > Lauro contended that such a brief would potentially put damaging information about Trump “into the public record at a very sensitive time in our nation’s history, which we can’t ignore.”

    The court must also take into account the people’s right to justice, which isn’t outweighed by Trump’s ‘right’ (highly disputed) to run a political campaign while a convicted felon, **free from scrutiny**, while facing multiple other indictments. *We the people* have a right to know if he did what a grand jury found evidence that he did! And we have an absolute right to know that BEFORE the election.

  11. I want to see a timeline of each attempt by the defense to delay. If they had let this resolve last year I bet the public would have forgotten by now. But if this ends up in the press in October it’s the defense’s own fault. They gambled and lost. They hoped to delay past November and failed

  12. Trumps team has been to clever by far. The delays they created placed it firmly in the campaign cycle.

  13. The difference between Chutkan and Cannon is the difference between quiet confidence and capability and abject incompetence

  14. The orange dumpster fire continues to work the system for special treatment while wailing about how unfair he’s being treated!! This guy is a pathetic buttstain and it’s really about time the media’s corporate owners are held accountable for the damage they actively inflict upon America!!

    The GQP is in loyal service of those who have infinitely MORE than enough money for several lifetimes while they and the white man in the sky advance the propaganda that life is hard and unfair blah, blah, blah…

    We should all just work for the lowest wages and if we want extra then we can get credit at a percentage rate that makes the oligarchy more money until we’re too damn old to enjoy what’s left of our lives until we get cancer from the crap one of their companies distributes into our food, water and/or environment.

    When will we learn and stop falling for these buffoons who sell lunacy using hate!!

    Agent Orange rapist and his party need to go!!

  15. “There’s something unseemly about a rush to judgment” says the lawyer that has delayed the trial for a year. Disbar this tool. They know what they’re saying is a lie and they only say it so others will contend that the defense attorney felt it was a rush job. The courts are permitting these hypocrites and liars to sow disinformation using the court system as a prop.

  16. They delayed this trial over and over trying to run out the clock until the election. They should have just gone ahead with the trial and like everything else the cult would forgive it. Now, he may be responsible for his own October surprise.

  17. I’m excited to see what’s in the prelim report. Obviously the Trump team doesn’t want it to come to light. And before someone makes a statement about the DOJ Policy and concerns before the election within X days/months, this is a current court case in progress and it should not pause. In MAGA terms, asking the court to pause before the election is like having an active NASCAR race paused for a few weeks because one of the drivers has a sponsors photo shoot to attend.

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