I spent all morning trying to make a joke, and he just…. tweeted it out.

I spent all morning trying to make a joke, and he just…. tweeted it out.

Posted by Planterizer

  1. Bastard posts a sarcastic tweet. With Telegram secure encrypted communication it’s hard to directly link these people to Russia.

    These knowingly rat out Democracy, they also believe Putin is the savior of Conservative lives

  2. He’s totally being a sarcastic smart ass little bitch here. He doesn’t mean any of this, right?

  3. >upon reflection

    lol yeah, because non-attorney people say phrases like that casually everyday. methinks he was just advised by his legal council. dude is scared.

  4. I don’t think I’ve ever seen such a reversal in such a quick amount of time and in such a transparent way.

    So pathetic

  5. If he’s going to turn on Vladdy Daddy, I advise no cups of tea, no windows, and stay in his mommy’s basement away from the stairs.

  6. The timeline just keeps getting weirder, man.
    We need a big, satisfying payoff soon. Cmon karma!

  7. I’m out of the loop but have seen a couple posts about this guy recently. What’s his deal?

  8. What a coincidence. Right when his gig earning $100k/week for spouting the opposite viewpoint is up.

  9. I love how their go to move now for anything bad at all is to lean into it.

    Pretty soon Tucker Carlson will start to opine:

    “Why shouldn’t we take Russian money? I thought we were all capitalists here and they’re the highest bidder. If our ideas are the same, it seems like a violation of OUR rights to not allow us to take money from whoever wants to give it to us. God never told us to not take Russian money, who is the Government to tell me otherwise!”

  10. I think this would be a great time to highlight Pools video where he said he puts conflicting ideologies on Twitter to confuse people so they will never know where he stands.

    So him saying this now means absolutely nothing. He was paid to spread an anti Ukraine message by Putin.

    This moron thinks people are going to watch hours of his stupid podcast and clearly see what he did all about only to go to Twitter and be confused by his dumb conflicting tweets.


  11. Remember Tim dropped out of high school and never got a GED so he probably thinks this tweet is totally going to clear him of wrong doing and the DOJ will just go “damn he’s must be innocent”

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