Republican’s idea of a well-protected school

Republican’s idea of a well-protected school

Posted by rhino910

  1. I’m much more worried about kids getting shot up than “litter boxes in bathrooms” or whatever insane conspiracy theories the brainrot weirdos have come up with.

  2. The clique who screamed about ‘groomers’ are the ones who put ARs in their kids hands for the Christmas card photo and push the malignant fantasy that half their fellow citizens are evil. Now, they are going to try a 14 year old kid as an adult to sate their bloodlust.

  3. You’d think republicans would be ok with feminine products in all school bathrooms, seeing as you can use tampons and pads on bullet wounds.

  4. The Tree of Liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of children and innocents.

  5. I’m hoping we go a day without a mass shooting so we can finally talk about it. It’s always “too soon” when it never stops.

  6. As a parent of 2 school age children AND a school staff member I am so tired of this. I’m tired of it. I kiss both of my children everyday before school just in case it’s our last day on earth. I work in the school my daughter is in and I’m in running distance of my sons. I feel blessed and cursed that I am so close. I could be a victim myself. I have to worry about the 3000 students one being my own and myself and the 300 students down the road (my son being one) in the other building almost daily. It can happen anywhere. This is getting old having to live in fear going to work and sending my kids to school.

  7. It’s fucking wild how very little news coverage this is getting. This has become so normalized that it’s not huge breaking news like it was once upon a time.

    Reason number 5,000,001 I’m never having children.

  8. We all know why the schools aren’t safe. They haven’t put the Ten Commandments on the premises. They’re made with kevlar and provide great protection.


  9. And yet *voters* will keep electing politicians who won’t do anything about school shootings. Let’s put the blame where it belongs. Want better policies? Vote for better politicians. Until then, thoughts and prayers that accomplish absolutely nothing.

  10. If I posted this on FB I’d be called insensitive. Blissful ignorance is in full effect with these people.

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