Man flipped easier than a pancake.

Man flipped easier than a pancake.

Posted by Unusual_Variable

  1. One thing people who flip in ongoing investigations definitely do is announce it to the world.

  2. Does he really have Ukrainian flag next to his name now?! Lmao dude must be so scared of whatever DOJ has on him.

  3. The “free thinker” grift is coming apart really quickly. Now hes “the victim of a crime.” lol

  4. This is maybe some of the best real-tweets I’ve ever seen since Ben Shapiro admitted publically he doesn’t make his wife orgasm

  5. Ha. This fucking punk is going to rat. Better stay away from the windows Timmy boy, I hear those russkies dont take too kindly to “loose ends”

  6. I love it for him that he can’t keep his fucking mouth shut 

    He’s still too fucking stupid to realize he is extremely disposable to his Russian and MAGA handlers 

  7. The first step to being charged is coming in for a voluntary interview, but let’s not tell him that.

  8. He likes to do this thing where he tweets random shit, taking contradictory positions on every issue, thinking it makes him hard to pin down, like he’s unknowable and thus impossible to criticize. But in reality it just makes him look like an idiot.

  9. The FBI have thanked me for being very cooperative because I am just a good boy who got mixed up with some bad people. lol, you’re fucked Tim

  10. This all reminds me of [***a leaked Tenet Media video they put out to alert all their Russian agents & assets a while back***](***.*** Nobody seemed to care about it or noticed it then, but boy howdy is it NOW getting attention! Gee whiz. 🙂

  11. Had no idea… $Millions from offshore accounts to speak highly of Putin and hate on Ukraine “Don’t forget comrade, find us moose and squirrel and we are from.. Egypt. “

  12. Of course if he were innocent of any wrongdoing he’d probably return the funds and delete the content they bought. But none of them will.

  13. Idk why people keep posting this, this is clearly sarcasm, it’s not funny and kind of dumb posting his non-funny thing, it just promotes him and he will laugh and tell how dumb everyone is.

    He is a russian shill (or I would just say more like a prostitute who will do whatever the client says).

    Just let him try to wiggle out of this one.

  14. “In my defense I am incredibly stupid and persuadable, and I like money no matter where it comes from. Please send thoughts and prayers and also money.”

  15. It is entirely possible that he really didn’t know he was being paid by Russia, and still within the realm of possibility (though far less likely) that this turnaround is legit

    But *MAN* is this guy an idiot!

  16. Yeah sweetie you take your little voluntary ass in there and talk to you good friends the nice fbi agents 👍

  17. Lol this dude knows how fucked he is and is now making himself look way more guilty with the coverup.

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