Trump Says Convicted Criminals Should Be Thrown in Jail—He’s a Convicted Felon

Trump Says Convicted Criminals Should Be Thrown in Jail—He’s a Convicted Felon

Trump Says Convicted Criminals Should Be Thrown in Jail—He’s a Convicted Felon

Posted by inewser

  1. I had a really funny interaction with a conservative that tried to argue that Trump wasn’t a convicted felon until after being sentenced.

    No….just no…..

  2. Speaking of convicted criminals, isn’t Donny Dumbfuck’s sentencing date coming up soon?


  4. In a bogus trial with a biased judge In Trump Hating NYC courtesy of the weaponized DOJ that everyone (including democrats) agrees will be overturned on appeal

  5. 18th is coming. Don’t let this fucker off easy. All he has ever had it was ez. There need to be real consequences not fines. Fining rich people is not even a slap on the wrist.

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