Trump Says ‘Weird’ Whopping 22 Times In 36 Seconds While Insisting ‘We’re Not Weird’

Trump Says ‘Weird’ Whopping 22 Times In 36 Seconds While Insisting ‘We’re Not Weird’

Trump Says ‘Weird’ Whopping 22 Times In 36 Seconds While Insisting ‘We’re Not Weird’

Posted by InspectionNo6750

  1. His way of just saying “there’s something wrong with that guy” without ever presenting anything solid to back it up is very weird. Like saying jack smith is deranged without any examples of how or why. He’s just all about name calling, but can’t take it when someone does it to him.

    He’s the classic grade school bully. Act tough, talk tough, but never back anything up. One pretty mild insult -wierd- and he falls apart. Such a weak person.

  2. “I’m not weird”. Says the guy who is day glo orange, has a massive comb over, wears lifts in his shoes, and continuously plays the air accordion.

    Kamala 2024. Stop creepy mango Mussolini.

  3. I’m pretty sure he must have been referring to seriously creepy Tim Walz. He makes my skin crawl

  4. It’s a genius play. It’s a harmless statement to most, we’re all weird in our own ways.

    The more you’re say that you’re not weird the more childish and petulant you look. Meanwhile the rest of us grab the popcorn and watch the meltdown.

  5. we should just change the word of the day to “deficient” or “obtuse” or “broken”… and the them repeat all those words over and over.

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