Let’s be honest.

Let’s be honest.

Posted by Notyourmotherspenis

  1. Turns out if you start laying the groundwork for genocide of our fellow citizens, we take it personally.

  2. The original exchange, where he’s trying to get her to admit she was driven to school in a Rolls and not working class like she just claimed to be, was hilarious.

  3. The Republican Party is basically a sweater with a thousand threads sticking out, with that number growing daily. You pull any thread and the whole thing falls apart. Yet conservatives are wearing the ugly POS thinking they look dapper in their sweater in perfect condition.

    Like the influencers paid by Russia. They may see that thread but will not look to see what opinions they were feeding them from Russia and reevaluate their belief on that subject., and see who else was parroting that misinformation. They’ll just accept the influencers as victims and assume progressive influencers were paid by Russia and China so it’s ok.

  4. Nah, bad take.

    We aren’t currently in a two party system, but a three party system.

    There’s the Democrats, the Republicans, and MAGA. Republicans aren’t putting up a candidate for 2024.

    With that being said, if you did, or intend to vote for a demonstrable lying, cheating, fraudster and adjudicated rapist, like Trump, you might well *call* yourself a republican, but you are in fact MAGA.

    Disavow Trump, run a republican candidate in 2028 and you might just get the stink off of you.

    You don’t get a pass because you didn’t buy a stupid fucking hat.

  5. There was a time where all points of view were valid. This is because compromise was the way things got done. Nixon signed the bill that created the EPA. He also signed the Endangered Species Act. Newt Gingrich started the “Us vs. Them” and Mitch McConnell killed compromise allowing Trumpism to run rampant.

  6. So then why do Dems work with them? And why is Kamala saying she’s going to nominate a republican to her administration? And does Biden have several republicans in his current administration?

    That means Dems are fascist collaborators? Does it not?

  7. I mean, there are conservatives that Aren’t American that might not fit into those buckets. Still don’t care to hear what they have to say though.

  8. If you support Project 2025 you are literally worse than Trump, at least he pretends to not support it.

  9. I mean, to be honest, it’s hard to know who the fascists are if they don’t feel like they can tell on themselves in public.

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