Father of School Shooting Victim Condemns Republicans for Using ‘Prayers’ as a Cop-Out Instead of Tackling Gun Violence

Father of School Shooting Victim Condemns Republicans for Using ‘Prayers’ as a Cop-Out Instead of Tackling Gun Violence

Father of School Shooting Victim Condemns MTG And Fellow Republicans for Using ‘Prayers’ as a Cop-Out Instead of Tackling Gun Violence

Posted by inewser

  1. More school shootings, more children dead and for Repunks it means “they are coming for our guns”. It’s a campaign win for Repunks, but only in their minds. It’s old and stale just like their dim-witted weirdo leader. They already have those voters. Repunks would rather keep their AR15 then save the life of even one child, even their own child. I heard that directly from one of them.

  2. *“Shame on anyone that is praying today instead of reacting before,” Oliver declared.*

    Well, there’s your problem – MAGA has absolutely NO sense of shame.

  3. It still is the same old deadly story from republicans, not just maga cult members – guns over children.

  4. Thoughts & Prayers is code for a demographic

    Safety, Real time Arrests and Policy is code for another demographic

    Took me awhile to catch on.

  5. It’s the same old GOP response every time our kids are shot and killed. Rinse, repeat, and more kids are killed.

  6. It’s the same story over and over again. America loves it’s guns more than it’s children.

  7. Until the country comes to its senses and stops electing Republicans we will continue to have a gun nutter culture in America.

  8. MAGA and Republicans don’t give a damn about school shootings because they don’t value human life.

  9. Maybe if they prayed so hard their heads explode I would be thankful. Until then, do something.

  10. Weird how the hundreds of millions of prayers after each shooting have done nothing to stop the next one. I wonder why.


  11. Don’t see why, same excuse they have used every other time gun violence happens which they endorsed by their policies.

  12. Same pattern all the time – shooter was known to the FBI and had history. FBI didn’t stop him or care to do anything.

  13. So weird! These prayers are so constant and exhausting. What exactly are the Republicans saying in their prayers? “God, would you please provide more guns so we can protect our children?”

  14. Just wait until that father gets the real gift that keeps on giving: the right wing declarations that he is a crisis actor and his child is fake and never existed.

  15. and that’s why I’m no longer Christian thank you republicans for showing you true colors 🖕

  16. Republicans have been funded by the NRA and other various gun lobbies for decades. Pick a major mass shooting event: Parkland, Uvalde, Vegas, Sandy Hook, Maine, Pulse Nightclub, El Paso, Buffalo, San Bernardino, Aurora, Binghamton. The entire country screaming for gun reforms after each of these shootings. Yet, its the same Republican reaction every time…thoughts and prayers. Blood is on their hands.

    Nothing will change until it directly affects one of them, ie a family member. Even then, these assholes will still blame it on the Dems.

  17. We need to introduce a prayer scale like the Scoville scale for hot peppers. It will better help the uninformed on how much prayer is needed. Sometimes i don’t know when to pray 100 times or 500. My tank only holds so much. Maybe I need to go to a church and ask for a bigger tank. Perhaps praying for a bigger tank will help.

  18. The parents of that kid should receive the same sentence on the same day he is convicted of murder.

  19. At some point, the church had better say that prayers are not a substitute for actions.

  20. Thoughts and prayers is the first thing they say. But when asked what to do about gun control, it’s 🦗🦗🦗.

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