Trump’s wealth shrinks by $4 billion as DJT shares hit a record low

Trump’s wealth shrinks by $4 billion as DJT shares hit a record low

Posted by Constant_Club6585

  1. The fun part about DJT, is that it’s the first business that Donald can’t bullshit about.

    – it needs to publicly disclose how shitty it is

    – he is legally unable to lie about how good it is going

  2. Did his wealth shrink or his debt grow.
    People always mention how he is some bilioneire but u never hear of profitable businesses, only bankrupcys and bad investments and unpaid bills.

  3. Can abide trump but this is a misnomer. He never had that as physical cash it was only paper assets so it’s not strictly correct as it implies he’s lost actual money as opposed to something in the ether.

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