According to JD Vance, school shootings are just “a fact of life”

According to JD Vance, school shootings are just “a fact of life”

Posted by ThePonyExpress83

  1. The number of Americans who are willing to sacrifice children’s lives just so they can keep their precious “Babykiller 24k with extended magazine” is depressingly high.

    Every ammosexual that thinks this way should be required to get shot once, non-fatally, in their least favorite gonad.

  2. Because, to him, protecting the profits of the gun lobby is more important than the moral duty of protecting our children in their schools.

    And these morally bankrupt buffoons on the right also laughably claim to be pro- *life*?

  3. “While we may be the greatest country in history, your kids will get murdered in school. While we’ve been praying and thinking for over 20 years, we definitely need God in schools, it’s the answer.” Check from gun lobbies clears…

  4. I’m happy they are going after the dad too, but clearly that isn’t going to be a deterrent. If you don’t care about kids getting murdered, you’re not going to care about going to jail. I mean this kid got a visit from the FBI and months later he gave him the worst possible gun. He just thinks it’s not going to happen to his family.

  5. He says as he stands behind bulletproof glass. So dystopian. Idk maybe if we stopped electing Republicans we could actually deal with these issues? 

  6. Call me crazy but maybe you should have to work harder to prove yourself responsible to own and use something that’s primarily designed for the purpose of killing than it is to own and use something designed for the purpose of getting you from Point A to Point B…

  7. We had an assault rifle ban in the Clinton years. Bush Jr let it sunset. Biden then passed the first gun safely law in decades.
    Vance is now saying there’s nothing we can do.
    There are solutions but Republicans prefer NRA money so if we keep giving the GOP power, our kids will keep dying.

  8. Ain’t no fancy pants liberal gonna take my boomboom proxy penis just cause of some child blood bath.

  9. He says bravely, surrounded on all sides by bulletproof class and armed Secret Service agents.

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