[OC] The U.S. vs China: Who Has More Influence, and Where?

[OC] The U.S. vs China: Who Has More Influence, and Where?

Posted by WereDoingaSQL

  1. Pretty cool way to visualize U.S. vs. China influence on a global scale. Influence is calculated by pulling data from 28 different variables across the economic, security, and political spectrum; we then subtract China’s influence score from the United States’ to get the final “GII Score” for each country.

    The full breakdown of what variables were used, methodology, and how the visualization was developed is available [on the website.](https://gii.cesionline.org/)

  2. Peru is surprising as I thought it would have more Chinese influence.

    But U.S. needs to lock Africa down for future global growth. China is right now very aggressive there to lock in deals with investments and have access to natural resources.

  3. Wow, Singapore is balancing the US vs. China perfectly! Also, what is going on in Africa?!?!? China totally eating the US’ lunch there, maybe a sign of what is to come in South America…….

  4. India us aligned is a stretch. Vietnam is curious probably should be way more us. Brazil and South Africa also should be less neutral more to China

  5. Looks fun but unfortunately this exercise is futile. I could make an index that places all of the world into us sphere and I could make an index that does the opposite. You can’t really objectively quantify this kind of stuff beyond *general vibe*

  6. This just tells me the next world war will start in Southeast Asia, Africa or Middle East.

  7. op this is really great 👍

    things have changed considerably since covid and would be awesome to compare an updated version too!

  8. How does it measure this for the gulf countries? They certainly seem more US aligned to my knowledge, but they’re listed as neutral here, maybe even favoring China.

  9. Very nice.

    Argentina is an interesting example. Milei is very pro-US, but of course, he’s not the whole government.

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