[OC] Clustering 250K+ Tech Job Postings in 2024

[OC] Clustering 250K+ Tech Job Postings in 2024

Posted by Kbig22

  1. Collected US 2024 tech job postings from Indeed and embedded them with Open AI text embedding large. Reduced dimensionality and clustered via UMAP and HDBSCAN. Topic modeled with Open AI chat API. Visualized with DataMapPlot. Github pages has full interactive map. I also have real-time insights into tech job postings on my site [hazon.fyi](http://hazon.fyi)

  2. Software development is a little vague.

    Like to know how much of that is for mobile apps and gaming

  3. How have you got HR and not Sales? There’s no way there are no sales jobs in tech paying under $250k.

  4. How do you get around Indeeds Cloudflare, I manually copy the html from like 100+ pages every week :’)

    I’m not very good at making my scrapers look human, I should learn selenium…

    Also you said you used UMAP and then HDBSCAN, did you use one after the other to get wider groups, then subgroups?

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