Trump Cries Foul Over Sexual Assault Verdict, Claims He ‘Never Met’ His Accusers in Disjointed Press Conference: ‘Made Up Story’

Trump Cries Foul Over Sexual Assault Verdict, Claims He ‘Never Met’ His Accusers in Disjointed Press Conference: ‘Made Up Story’

Trump Cries Foul Over Sexual Assault Verdict, Claims He ‘Never Met’ His Accusers in Disjointed Press Conference: ‘Made Up Story’

Posted by inewser

  1. He just can’t stop digging himself deeper. Not presidential material by any stretch of the imagination.

  2. Everyone’s resolution for the year 2025 should be to effectuate the removal of Trump supporters from the fabric of civilization, for their presence serves to undermine the principles and progress of a just society.

  3. Another defamation, even the judges would feel tired about this endless loop 🔁. What a timeline we are living in!

  4. Saying this again, which is going to get him sued again, and saying that he lost the election by a ‘whisker’ should be the clearest indication to anyone with even half a brain that his brain is fucking toast. Its filled with McGarbage that is rotting it from the inside out and he’s finished.. also going back to court to be sued again which suggests he’s too stupid to keep himself out of trouble.

    He needs to be put in to a facility already.

    Like.. “What do you do with a potentially traitorous low life ex-President who is losing his mind?” .. you put him in jail so he can’t hurt himself or anyone else anymore.

    PUT. THIS. MOTHERFUCKER. in jail already.

  5. WAAA it was rigged,it was the Deep State,she’s not my type,I never met her 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

  6. He fucking sucks. Let’s say you were dropped onto earth today without having to experience the past 10 years of trumps existence in politics. Wouldn’t you choose Kamala? It’s the brainwashing of his supporters that get him votes. But let’s review from scratch starting today— he’s a hot mess. A dumpster fire. He’s TOO OLD. He is NOT presentable.

  7. I like when he said she’s not my type and then confused his rape victim with his ex wife

  8. So, I know he’s obviously going to deny the veracity of every single one, but 26 women all came forward to say he did something, something he himself brags about when he talked about assaulting women and going into dressing rooms uninvited, etc.

    E Jean Carroll:

    As the court explained in its recent decision denying Mr Trump’s motion for a new trial on damages and other relief [in the New York case] … based on all of the evidence at trial and the jury’s verdict as a whole, the jury’s finding that Mr Trump ‘sexually abused’ Ms Carroll implicitly determined that he forcibly penetrated her digitally – in other words, that Mr Trump in fact did ‘rape’ Ms Carroll as that term commonly is used and understood in contexts outside of the New York penal law.”

    The other 25 women:

    And now on top of that yet another defamation suit could be filed for what he said. Someone lend that guy a shovel, he apparently loves to just keep digging himself deeper and deeper

  9. Trump is one piece of work, and 74 million Americans voted for this scumbag in 2020. That has to make you wonder WTF is wrong with America to follow this POS. Disturbing indeed.

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