Now that Dick Cheney has endorsed Kamala Harris…

Now that Dick Cheney has endorsed Kamala Harris…

Posted by youhavetherighttoo

  1. It looks bad for trump that these hardcore repubs are endorsing Harris, but I personally wouldn’t want to be endorsed by war criminals….

  2. W isn’t gonna say shit. He’s just happy he no longer is going to be remembered as the worst president of our lifetime, since Don the Con has taken that.

  3. Bush has always been a piece of shit and a war criminal. What makes any of you think this idiot will suddenly grow a conscious – because he shared candy with Michelle Obama???

  4. Trump and Dick Cheney’s daughter don’t really like each other. And Trump supported the candidate that beat her in the primary.

  5. does this redeem cheney? no.

    does it make absolutely clear how much of a danger trump is to America? beyond any doubts

    when one of the worst guys the gop he spewn up in generations says… nope, he is to evil even for me, it’s long past time to pay attention.

  6. I’d rather see McMasters and Mattis endorsements, personally. I don’t think Cheney or Bush are going to move the needle much.

  7. *There’s something terrible about those who carry it to extremes.They’re scary. They’re there for spooky, extraordinary right-winged reasons. They don’t care about Party. They don’t care about anything. They’re the excesses. They could be Nazis, they could be Communists, they could be whatever. In this case, they’re religious fanatics and they’re spooky. They will destroy this party if they’re permitted to take over.*

    -George HW Bush

  8. Even if they won’t say they’re voting for Kamala Harris, you know they are. Only a maga MORON will vote for for the head of the CULT at this point.

  9. Honestly, I don’t even know if that’s a good thing for her! Dick’s pretty awful! His endorsement would not flatter me. Does he even have any followers among the Republicans?

  10. liberals crack me up: “Trump is an existential threat to democracy” and “Trump and Cheney are equally bad.” You cannot have it both ways. You sound like those trumpets who want to pardon the Jan 6th rioters, yet claim they were ANTIFA agitators.

    …and the answer is: the invasion of Iraq was a mistake, Cheney was/is a decent man, and Trump is a russian asset. and a cunt.

  11. Was confirmed that at least in 2016, Bush didn’t vote for trump and Bush Sr. voted for Hillary. Assuming he held out in 2020 too and will this year.

  12. If Bush endorsed Harris, even the people that gate Bush would be hard pressed not to give him props


  13. In what WTF universe is Dick “Darth” Cheney the good guy?!?

    “Smoke em if you got em.”

  14. i honestly believe that dick cheney is satan’s son.

    he was the president during the bush administration… as bush was lost in space.

    cheney did all that evil shit to enrich his friends and business partners… scared the shit out of us then fucked us all (and the usa treasury) with no vaseline… no condom… no consent.

  15. GWB has wisely kept quiet all these years. He’s a piece of shit, everyone knows he’s a piece of shit and the fact that a much bigger piece of shit came along that makes him look like a smaller piece of shit relatively, doesn’t mean he’s not still a piece of shit.

    Dick and Liz Cheney are also pieces of shit and standing up for democracy over a petulant tyrant isn’t heroic. It just looks that way relative to the cowardice of their party.

  16. Goddamnit. This just paints Kamala as a middle of the road Democrat, which equals another war-machine stooge.

  17. Not going to happen. Bush is a Dominionist. One of those Seven Mountain Mandate guys. Wouldn’t be surprised if he’s a member of both Federalist Society and Heritage Foundation. He quietly works behind the scenes.

  18. I’ve been saying for a while that a W. endorsement for Harris/Walz would be a hilarious October surprise. It’s known that W isn’t a Trump fan. On record, he sat out in 2016. There’s some circumstantial evidence that suggests he may have been a secret Biden voter in 2020.

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