Trump Campaign Staffers Who Assaulted Arlington Cemetery Employee Identified

Trump Campaign Staffers Who Assaulted Arlington Cemetery Employee Identified

Trump Campaign Staffers Who Assaulted Arlington Cemetery Employee Identified

Posted by inewser

  1. Charge them. Why should some asshole not be charged just because he works for former president Trump. If I had done this they would have immediately charged me.

  2. Nothing special about america just as corrupt as the next country, where if you have enough money and know the right people, you just don’t pay for your actions.

    But if you can’t afford shit and don’t know shit and don’t know anyone special…..something something without a paddle.

  3. Even for a regular person for some not so controversial reasons, the victim should ask to press charges

  4. Charges. ?? Why do we keep allowing unacceptable behavior from these men ? How many associated with him were caught the last go round for assault of women ??

  5. To bad the headline wasn’t “ trump campaign staffers arrested for assault and other charges, Trump arrested for more crimes “

  6. Ah yes the guys who organized the failed coup and got a police officer killed – makes sense that they would roam free. I thought that is why we still had the capital punishment.

  7. What’s sad is that the (female) employee refused to press charges *for fear of retaliation.* This is the reality we live in. Some thuggish moron shoves you and you can’t use the legal system to address it because you fear for your life.

    The sooner these idiots fail horribly and fade into obscurity, the better.

  8. His ex-wife Ivana is buried among overgrown weeds and long grass at the Trump National Golf Course in Bedminster. Trump respects the dead as much as he does those living who don’t concur with his warped and weird ideology.


  10. Am I the only person who read the article and didn’t see the names of the supposed “identified” staffers?

  11. They really should be making him surrender his passport and wear an ankle monitor… then whenever he is leaving his primary residence, check in with the local law enforcement…

  12. doesn’t violence in the service of committing a crime make it “aggravated”? and thus a felony (or higher class felony) and a mitigating factor for tougher sentencing?

  13. Just because the person doesn’t want to press charges doesn’t mean they can’t be charged. Prosecutors do it all the time.

  14. I’m still confused why the army chose to have the Arlington police involved instead of handling it themselves. ANC is under the military and federal jurisdiction, is it not? They assaulted a federal employee on federal grounds, sounds like something they should be facing federal charges for.

    The employee was right about likely facing retaliation. They would have been doxxed within a day if they pressed the charges, and police in Virginia would never go against Trump enough to file the charges themselves

  15. Trump might be “bulletproof” but this fucktard isn’t.

    Throw the book at the motherfucker.

    Better yet, let a few of us veterans have a little chat with him for a few minutes. I have some things I would love to discuss with him.

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