Telegram to remove ‘people nearby’ feature and improve moderation, says founder

Telegram to remove ‘people nearby’ feature and improve moderation, says founder

Posted by AtroScolo

1 comment
  1. I know everyone’s saying there’s won’t be a back door, secret chats are still e2e encrypted, etc, but man it’s hard to not feel like any privacy features telegram had are probably compromised now.

    “Hey guys, they arrested me for hosting a platform that has been misused for heinous crimes. But they’re letting me out and *I promise* they didn’t make me compromise the security of secret chats in exchange for not locking me up for a long time” is basically how it feels. It’s a tricky situation but in a world where our privacy rights get degraded more and more each day, I just can’t feel good about how this has been unfolding.

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